Kounji Temple
In 1394, Ketsudo Nosho, a Zen Buddhist priest taught by Baizan Monpon,
founded Kounji temple. As an important temple of the Soto sect , it had a status equal to that
of a 100,000 Koku Samurai Lord (one koku being enough rice to feed a family
for a year). It had a status equal to that of a 100,000 Koku Samurai Lord (one koku being
enough rice to feed a family for a year). Unfortunately, it burned down during the Meiji Period and the only remnant
is the gate, which still evokes an old world air.
1394 년에 게쯔도노쇼 스님이
시작했으며 조동종 절에서도 유명한 절로 도꾸가와 시대에는 城主와 같은 급을 가질 정도였습니다만 안타깝게도 1886 년의
화재로 문 이외는 전부 타고 지금 남아있는 山門이 그 당시 왕성할 때의 흔적을 남기고 있습니다